experience a renewed sense of vitality with uplifting holistic facials and energy-infused skin care.
Martine has 30+ years of experience in skincare and bodywork, with a focus on energy healing. During this time she developed a thriving practice in her native Belgium with loyal clients coming from all over the region. She honed her skills in a variety of health and healing modalities such as Shiatsu, energetic massage, reflexology, Reiki, yoga, Ayurveda, Heart2Heart coaching and holistic skincare. In 2012, Martine followed her calling and moved to Oregon where she continues her passion here in the Gorge, deepening her (energy) soulwork as her path is ever evolving.
A treatment at Zencare is a journey in depth.
When you surrender to Martine's hands and presence, you receive the art of conscious touch with the body as your home place for a more physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
Martine integrates skincare, nutrition, spiritual well-being, Heart2Heart coaching, energy work and education, helping her clients to create balance and restore harmony while increasing vital life force energies.
treatments | 90 minute session $140
Zencare Rejuvenation Facial
Martine's signature Zencare Rejuvenation Facial provides a deep energetic release of stress in the head, scalp, face, neck and shoulders while your skin is deeply cleansed, nourished and rejuvenated.
The Facial is exclusively enhanced with lymphatic drainage and light therapy. A hand or foot massage is just that sweet extra.
A facial at Zencare is a combination of gentle balancing touch, a focus on marma points (vital energy points), deep tissue massage using aromatic oils and organic lotions.
Products and equipment used are selected to best suit your needs to cleanse, tone and revitalize your skin leaving your whole BEing deeply relaxed.
Zencare Healing Body Treatment
Zencare custom healing body treatments are personalized based on each client's individual needs. Your treatment begins with a relaxing, therapeutic foot soak, a soothing warm drink and a Heart2Heart well-being consultation with Martine to tune into your needs.
Release tension and dissolve the stresses and strains in your body and mind. Enjoy the nurturing, nourishing and regenerating benefits of your custom treatment of the head, body, hands and feet.
A gentle and effective marma point treatment enhanced with Reiki, the use of warm healing stones, the energy balancing kansa tool, will leave you feeling deeply relaxed and more connected to your inner wisdom, to your truest self. The Zencare Healing Body Treatment helps to bring your mind, body and soul into deeper energetic alignment
Some of these technologies may be used during Zencare treatments
Bio Drainer is a method that is designed to perform a highly effective lymphatic stimulation. It features a suction-repulsion process with adjustable strength and rhythm. There are several sets of cups of different sizes for body and face drainage. Lymphatic stimulation gently drains fluids and toxins, loosens adhesions and brings blood flow to stagnant muscles and skin. This method clears skin, tightens tone, balances hydration and repairs skin tissue.
Light Therapy is a treatment based on healing and rebalancing with properties of light energy. Each color in the spectrum has specific properties corresponding to their range of frequencies. There is an energetic correspondence between those ranges and the energies of each of the organs and their acupuncture meridians. It is the same with the chakras or energy centers. Light can be combined with lymphatic drainage to target other fluids and restore an optimum energetic balance. Light can be used to improve skin conditions, create long visible lifting effects and a long lasting improvement in appearance.
Make it stand out
The Kansa Tool is bronze made from very high quality pure copper, tin and small amounts of zinc. This ancient blend of metals, also used in Tibetan singing bowls, is known in Ayurveda, India’s traditional holistic healing system as ‘healing metal’. It is used to recharge and harmonize the body’s subtle energies, for general well-being, longevity and stress relief.
To learn more about Martine and Zencare, visit www.zencarehr.com.