Tension, Stress, & Trauma Releasing Exercises

TRE With Stephenie

Letting go is not for the purpose of forgetting or forgiving the past; it is about releasing the energy of the past to give us back our lives in the present which is necessary to deliver us into a new future. - Dr. David Berceli

What is TRE?
TRE is an innovative approach to help people release patterns of deep muscular tension that are caused by everyday life demands, immediate or prolonged stress, or traumatic life experiences. TRE evolved out of a growing body of research that connects the impact of stress and trauma on the mind and the body. Using a set of simple and easy to learn exercises, TRE accesses and releases stored tension in the muscles, which then sends a message of safety and relaxation to nervous system and the brain. As it is a body-based release that slowly unwinds holding patterns from the core of the body outward, there is little emotional or cognitive processing that would re-trigger uncomfortable or stressful memories.

TRE was developed by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, a therapist and international trauma specialist who worked with large populations of traumatized communities in both Africa and the Middle East. Dr. Berceli observed that when the human body experienced high states of tension or threat, it would contract inward to protect vital organs and prepare for the fight or flight response, and this instinctual contraction response was followed by a reflexive shaking and tremoring response. He saw that the tremoring mechanism released tension in the muscles and calmed the nervous system, which allowed a person's body to move back to a state of balance. It was through these observations that Dr. Berceli created TRE, a set of easy to learn exercises with the purpose of turning on this neuro-physiological tremor response in a safe, controlled environment.

TRE for all
The power of TRE lies in its ability to help people tap into the body's built in response to move out of tension and chronic stress states. TRE has immediate benefits and is a tool that can be practiced at home on your own, one-on-one with a provider or in groups, for as little as a few minutes time. It is used by many as a method of daily self care, with lifelong benefits. It complements traditional mental health and physical healing modalities, and has helped thousands across the globe in hundreds of counties to move out of chronic states of stress and trauma, and into a new relationship with life.

Documented Benefits of TRE Include:

  • Reduced Muscle & Back Pain

  • Increased Flexibility

  • Greater Emotional Resiliency

  • Decreases Symptoms of Vicarious Trauma

  • Healing of Old Injuries

  • Lessened Anxiety surrounding Serious Illness

  • Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions

  • Less Worry & Anxiety

  • Reduces Symptoms of PTSD

  • More Energy & Endurance

  • Less Workplace Stress

  • Better Sleep

  • Less Relationship Conflict

TRE reminds our bodies of the natural, intuitive, instinctual, powerful, and deeply healing response we all possess. All we need to do is let go, and give it permission.

Learn how you can use your body’s innate wisdom to shift your mindset. These simple, yet powerful physical practices can have an immediate, and lasting effect on your mindset, wellbeing, and overall health by settling, and re-wiring your nervous system.

TRE Sessions typically last about one hour and can be done individually or in groups. You can learn TRE safely and effectively over a series of 3 - 6 sessions with a Certified TRE Provider, after which, you can continue to use TRE on your own whenever you need some self-care, or ideally as a regular part of your life for improved health and wellness.

One-On-One TRE Sessions

Single Session/$80 | Package of 3 Sessions/$225

In a one to one session there is more time to safely explore your personal processes. The shaking process can be tailored to meet your individual needs. To heal from trauma we need to include the body physiology and help reset overactive reflexes in the nervous system. We do not need to remember or understand. We do need to down regulate the neurophysiology that is stuck in patterns of ‘fight-or-flight’ or ‘freeze’. You will learn some simple tools to help you self regulate and stay grounded

Some people prefer one to one sessions as a way to learn TRE over groups or self directed study. Eventually the goal is self-regulation. Booking 3 - 6 one-on-one sessions can be really useful to help gain confidence and skill in how shaking can work for you.


Share in a Healing Experience

Connect, share, and shake together. When in a group, our nervous systems connect to each other and regulate towards each other. Our bodies and brain waves synchronize to reach a state of resonance. This enables us to feel grounded and gives our body a sense of connection with the energy fields around us. Using TRE® to expand our awareness of how our systems emerge and establish, these group classes will be a deep but playful path of self-discovery and self-acceptance. Participant numbers are limited to ensure an intimacy to the teaching.

Introduction to TRE Group Class | TBD

Yoga + TRE Group Class | TBD